Day 3 & 4 of The Arts Conference were mostly "electives" or what they call "breakouts." Katie and I were able to choose which classes we wanted to take. Katie took several "Video Director" classes. I took some leadership classes. Tech Team, you will be hearing more on our classes and the main sessions in the coming weeks. We were also able to tour all the production areas. The picture here is of their storage/scene shop.
Willow Creek Has been around for over 30 years, from their beginnings in a rented theater, to their new auditorium, they have always valued the arts: media, music, drama, etc. It is clear in everything they do, and their church leadership understands this and allocates resources appropriately. Don't think Willow has "everything," because they don't. They still have to prove that any new piece of gear or whatever will add to the value of excellence.

Willow defines excellence as "doing the best with what you have." I will repeat that "doing the best
with what you have!" So excellence is relative. We can still grow our excellence without getting more "stuff." We need to work on growing our skill levels in all areas. I am going to help all my volunteers by offering more training opportunities