Tuesday, March 09, 2010

NAB - Technologies for Worship

For all you readers, here's some information I received about this year's NAB and Technologies for Worship. Although I have not directly worked with them, I have heard great things. I will not be able to go to NAB this year, but I hop you find the information helpful.
Hi Stuart,

I just discovered Stuartcmackey.blogspot.com, and I can see that you’re passionate about the use of technology for praise and worship. The NAB Show (http://nabshow.com) is a client of our communications firm, and I want to tell you about two exhibits that you and your readers may be interested in at this year’s show, coming up April 10-15 in Las Vegas.

The Technologies for Worship Pavilion offers comprehensive training for house of worship staff and technical volunteers and is the focal point for all things related to worship technology at the NAB Show. In addition, you may be interested in Destination Broadband - the newest broadband-centric exhibit at the 2010 NAB Show. It will be featuring technologies like online video platforms, streaming video, mobile video distribution, and much more.

Technologies for Worship Schedule: http://ow.ly/1fCqd
Destination Broadband: http://ow.ly/14hgA

The reason I'm reaching out to you is because I have a special registration code for you to pass along to your readers, giving them access to the show – a $150 value - for FREE. This special pass includes the exhibit floor, the Opening Keynote and State of the Industry Address, Info Sessions, Content Theater, Destination Broadband Theater and Exhibits. All you and your readers need to do is visit http://ow.ly/13TL9 to redeem or register at http://nabshow.com/register with the code A913.

To thank you for helping spread the word, we'd like to feature Stuartcmackey.blogspot.com in our blogroll on the NAB Show blog. We'd appreciate the courtesy of linking back, either in your blogroll, or within the content of your posts, if possible.

Thanks, Stuart, and please let me know how I can help your coverage of the 2010 NAB Show on Stuartcmackey.blogspot.com. Don't forget to check out the official show website at http://www.nabshow.com for more information, news, and to register!

Thank you!

Jason Rouse

NAB Show Team / Tuvel Communications

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Twitter – http://ow.ly/13yJP
Facebook - http://ow.ly/13TFE
LinkedIn - http://ow.ly/13yL7

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